Black skirt tetra
Black skirt tetra

They can be found in the Paraguay River Basin, throughout Brazil, and even in Argentina. These fish helm from several bodies of water in South America. Even still, they are quite beautiful and stand out in well-kept aquariums. While other species of the Characidae family are known for being bright and colorful, these fish take on a darker appearance. The eggs and the fry are sensitive to light in the early stages of life therefore, you should keep the tank as dim as possible.Black Skirt Tetras ( Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) are a unique addition to community tanks. It would be best if you fed the fry on infusoria-type food for the first few days, moving on to microworm or newly hatched brine shrimp once they are large enough to accept them. The eggs will hatch in around 2 to 3 days, and the fry will become free-swimming a few days after that. You can either have a group with several fish of each sex, or you can select a pair of your best fish an example of this would be your most vibrantly coloured male and your plumpest female.Īs soon as you spot any eggs in the aquarium, you will need to remove the adults otherwise, they will eat them given the opportunity. There are two ways in which you can breed your Black Widow Tetras. You should also make sure you provide your fish with plenty of live and frozen foods. The water in the breeding tank needs to be slightly acidic, and the temperature should be a couple of degrees higher than the average temperature. Alternatively, you can use a mesh on the bottom of the tank, making sure the holes are big enough for the eggs to fall through it and small enough that the adults can not get through it to reach them.

black skirt tetra

If these mediums are unavailable, spawning mops will also be fine to use. However, you will need to set up a separate breeding tank that is dimly lit and contains plenty of fine-leaved plants like Java Moss. It would help if you aimed for a minimum tank size of 10 gallons (45.4 litres) and up, depending on how many Black Widow Tetras you intend to keep and other tank mates you already have or plan to keep in the future.ġ0 ideal tank mate ideas for the Black Widow Tetra include:īlack Widow Tetras are relatively easy to breed. The Black Widow Tetra has a reasonably long lifespan, can live anywhere up to 5+ years when properly taken care of, and has plenty of room. In addition, these Tetras have a greyish tetragonal body shape that fades from dark at the caudal fin to light at the nose.

black skirt tetra

The Black Widow Tetra is easily identified by their distinguishing black anal and dorsal fins and two prominent vertical black bars on their body posterior to the gills. In addition, they will also appreciate floating plants, so the light is subdued. These Tetras will exhibit their best colours when some areas of dense planting is included in the aquarium. They would also make suitable companions for Dwarf cichlids such as Kribensis and Angelfish.īlack Widow Tetras are unfussy when it comes to the decor in their aquarium however, these Tetras do enjoy having an open swimming space as they are pretty active and enjoy having some quieter areas.

black skirt tetra

The ideal tank mates for these fish could include most livebearers, Danios, Rasboras, other Tetras and peaceful bottom dwellers such as Corydoras Catfish.

black skirt tetra

Any squabbling can generally be contained within the group when maintained in these numbers. However, you can usually rectify this behaviour by keeping them in a small shoal of 6 to 8 individuals. The Black Widow Tetra, also known as the Black Skirt Tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi), is a peaceful, active and hardy fish that can adapt to various water parameters, making them a popular fish species to have in any aquarium.Īlthough Black Widow Tetras are normally peaceful, they may display some aggressive behaviour and nip at other species with intricate finnage, so it would be best to avoid keeping these Tetras with Guppies or Siamese Fighting Fish.

Black skirt tetra